-> Eich Ffefrynnau

Bwrw Ymlaen

Bwrw Ymlaen

Hi, I’m Marcus Whitfield, I have learned to speak Welsh over the last few years, but of course I’m still learning and still making a few mistakes on the way.  I’ve started this podcast for two reasons 1) one to drive myself forward with improving my own Welsh 2) Whilst I was learning Welsh, I was desperately searching for content that was at a reasonable speed. Everything I found seemed so fast. I hope that my guests will speak with me at a pace other learners can follow as we chat together. I from North Wales but I live in Kent. Every 3rd weekend, I head to Llanbedr Pont Steffan to open Garth Newydd to Welsh learners who come to stay with me and practice their Welsh. Diolch am wrando.  If you would like to join us in Garth Newydd check out my site www.paned.cymru 

Gwefan: Bwrw Ymlaen


Chwarae Bwrw Ymlaen

Pat Morgan (Datblygu)

Yn y bennod hon, es i i weld Pat Morgan o’r band Datblygu. Siaradon ni am y Gelli Gandryll, blodau, y Mabinogi, dysgwyr a cherddoriaeth wrth gwrs. 

In this episode, I went to see Pat Morgan from the band Datblygu.  We spoke about Hay on Wye, Flowers, the Mabinogi, learners and music of course. 

The recording might be a little quiet. Apologies. 

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:00:00 -0400

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Bwrw Ymlaen

Andrew Teilo (Hywel, Pobl y Cwm)

In this episode Andrew Teilo joins me, as we talk about Pobl y Cwm, Andrew's writing Career, how we can support learners as they try to break through into the Welsh speaking community, my own attempts at writing a book and a little bit about Wrexham FC.  I can't believe I called Christiano Ronaldo, Christian Ronaldo.  There goes my footballing street cred for ever. I've started this podcast to push on with my own Welsh and in the hope that we are creating content that runs at a reasonable pace for learners to listen to.  Dw i eisiau dweud diolch i Andrew am fod yn westai rhagorol a diddorol. 

Mon, 24 Jun 2024 15:00:00 -0400

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Bwrw Ymlaen

Gillian Elisa

Croeso i’r pennod cyntaf lle mae Marcus yn siarad gyda’r actores, canwr, dawnsiwr a chomediwr Gillian Elisa. 

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:00:00 -0500

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch