Welsh Duostories - 3 – Un Peth
- Liwsi is at home with her granddaughter, Lyn.
- This is the third Welsh story in the unofficial Duostories series
- For the Welsh Duostories go to WELSH DUOSTORIES
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT (or welshclass.wales)
Sun, 27 Aug 2023 20:36:01 GMT
Welsh Duostories - 2 - Dêt
- Bea is on a date in a restaurant
- This is the second Welsh story in the unofficial Duostories series
- For the Welsh Duostories go to WELSH DUOSTORIES
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT (or welshclass.wales)
Sun, 20 Aug 2023 21:29:10 GMT
Welsh Duostories - 1 - Bore da
- Vikram and Pritti are in the kitchen
- This is the first Welsh story in the unofficial Duostories series
- For the Welsh Duostories go to WELSH DUOSTORIES
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT (or welshclass.wales)
Mon, 14 Aug 2023 15:57:39 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Units 17_20 - Family, Why You Returned, What You Got, Family, Past, Have To Do, What Happened, Orders
- Talk about family, say why you returned, Describe what you got, discuss family, Talk about the past, say what you have to do, Say what happened, give orders
- This is the collection of units 17-20 of the series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.For the script and other info go to SCRIPT (or welshclass.wales)
Sat, 12 Aug 2023 04:32:37 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Unit 20 – What Happened, Orders
- Say what happened, give orders
- Mrs Jones has started learning to drive but it’s proving to be a little
more difficult than expected ...
- This is the twentieth of a series of podcasts (unit 20 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 12 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Thu, 03 Aug 2023 02:44:39 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Unit 19 – Past, Have To Do
- Talk about the past, say what you have to do
- Aunt Sali’s party seems to have been a major success. However,
Dylan has some puzzling news ...
- This is the nineteenth of a series of podcasts (unit 19 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 11 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 20:58:13 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Unit 18 (S2 U10) – What You Got, Family
- Describe what you got, discuss family
- *(Note in the latest Duolingo update 'Family' is now in S2 U11)
- Aunt Sali’s birthday party is in full swing and looks set to be a
memorable day ...
- This is the eighteenth of a series of podcasts (unit 18 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 10 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Sun, 16 Jul 2023 19:03:50 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Unit 17 - Family, Why You Returned
- Talk about family, say why you returned
- This is the seventeenth of a series of podcasts (unit 17 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 9 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Sun, 09 Jul 2023 05:28:44 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips -Units 13-16 ; What You Have Done, Time, What You Own, Describe Possessions, City Names, Travel, How You Arrived, Past Meal
- Say what you have done, tell time, Say what you own, describe possessions, Learn city names, discuss travel, Say how you arrived, describe a past meal
- This is the collection of units 13-16 of the series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.For the script and other info go to SCRIPT (or welshclass.wales)
Sun, 02 Jul 2023 08:21:24 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Unit 16 – How You Arrived, Past Meal
- Say how you arrived, describe a past meal
- This is the sixteenth of a series of podcasts (unit 16 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 8 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Mon, 26 Jun 2023 02:37:13 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips -Unit 15 : City Names, Travel
- Learn city names, discuss travel
- This is the fifteenth of a series of podcasts (unit 15 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 6 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Sat, 17 Jun 2023 16:56:07 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips -Unit 14; What You Own, Describe Possessions
- Say what you own, describe possessions
- This is the fourteenth of a series of podcasts (unit 14 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 5 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Tue, 06 Jun 2023 20:12:34 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips -Unit 13; What You Have Done, Time
- Say what you have done, tell time
- This is the thirteenth of a series of podcasts (unit 13 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 4 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT(or welshclass.wales)
Tue, 30 May 2023 01:44:08 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Collection 3 - Duo Section 2 - Units 1-8
- Describe the weather, refer to months, talk about the past, express hunger, identify animals, learn place names, compare dialects, make requests.
- This is the collection of units 9-12 of the series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.For the script and other info go to SCRIPT (or welshclass.wales)
Sun, 21 May 2023 08:08:46 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 12 - Duo Section 2 - Units 7&8 – Dialects, Requests
- Compare dialects, make requests
- This is the twelfth of a series of podcasts (unit 12 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 3 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 14 May 2023 00:16:17 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 11 - Duo Sections 2 - Units 5&6 - Animals, Place Names
- Identify animals, learn place names
- This is the eleventh of a series of podcasts (unit 11 in the linear Duolingo layout, Explorer 3 in the section layout), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Mon, 01 May 2023 15:32:49 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 10 - Duo Section 2 - Units 3&4 - Past, Hunger
- Talk about the past, express hunger
- This is the tenth of a series of podcasts (linear Duolingo unit 10, Explorer 2), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 16 Apr 2023 02:09:13 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 9 - Duo Section 2 - Units 1&2 - Weather, Months
- Describe the weather, refer to months
- This is the ninth of a series of podcasts (linear Duolingo unit 9, Explorer 1), developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 09 Apr 2023 16:43:01 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Collection 2 - Duo Section 1 - Units 9-16
- This is the collection of units 5-8 of the series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Fri, 07 Apr 2023 14:24:13 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 8 - Duo Section 1 - Units 15&16 - Past Events, Numbers
- Describe past events, use numbers
- This is the eighth of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 02 Apr 2023 06:18:39 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 7 - Duo Section 1 - Units 11&12 - Countries, Trips
- Learn country names, describe a trip
- This is the seventh of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 08:42:11 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 6 - Duo Section 1 - Units 13 & 14 - Where You Went, What You Did
- Discuss where you went, say what you did
- This is the sixth of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:39:08 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 5 - Duo Section 1 - Units 9&10 - Work, Clothes
- Talk about work, discuss clothes
- This is the fifth of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 18:31:11 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Collection 1 - Duo Section 1 - Units 1-8
- This is a collection of the episodes 1-4, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 12 Mar 2023 17:49:04 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 4 - Duo Section 1 -Units 7&8 - Expressing, Describing
- Express what you want, describe things
- This is the fourth of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Fri, 03 Mar 2023 19:31:35 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 3 - Duo Section 1 -Units 5&6 - Days, Present Tense
- Refer to days, use the present tense
- This is the third of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Fri, 03 Mar 2023 19:23:39 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips - Podcast 2 - Duo Section 1 -Units 3&4 - Present Tense, Activities
- Use the present tense, talk about activities
- Sali talks to Dewi in the supermarket
- This is the second of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sun, 26 Feb 2023 10:28:22 GMT
Dragons and Parsnips- Podcast 1 - Duo Section 1 - Units 1&2 - Greet People, Introduce Yourself
- Greet people, introduce yourself
- Today, Megan has a busy day. This morning she goes to the shop.
- This is the first of a series of podcasts, developed by enthusiasts and not Duolingo the company itself, to help learners of Welsh using the Welsh course on Duolingo.
- For the script and other info go to SCRIPT
Sat, 25 Feb 2023 09:32:46 GMT