-> Eich Ffefrynnau

Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

Hi! I'm Cerys. Welcome to Unbalanced, the podcast where I will be discussing what it's really like to navigate life in my 20s with a disability. Stay tuned every other Sunday for interviews with inspiring people, funny anecdotes, and to have your perspectives challenged as I embark on a journey to prove that your disability does not define you. Feel free to give me a DM on instagram or twitter @cerysdavage to have your questions answered and to get involved with the podcast!

Gwefan: Unbalanced with Cerys Davage


Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

29. The story behind Cool Crutches (ft. Amelia Peckham)

Today I am joined by Amelia, the co-founder of Cool Crutches, a company designed to accommodate all types of disabilities. She shares an insight into adulthood post-accident, and breaks stereotypes surrounding crutches and disability aids. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did!

Find Cool Crutches on all social media @coolcrutches and take a look at their website: https://www.coolcrutches.com

Sun, 21 Jul 2024 06:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

28. What living independently is really like

Happy disability pride month! It's been almost a year since I moved out of my parents' house, so I am here to spill the tea on the reality of being independent and living alone (with my boyfriend). I discuss the struggles and the positive parts, completely unfiltered. Enjoy and don't forget to follow Unbalanced's brand new Instagram page: @unbalancedpodcast :)

Sun, 07 Jul 2024 06:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

27. College, friendships and YOLO! (ft. Maud Cornelissen)

I am suuuper excited to introduce Maud to you today, all the way from the Netherlands! We chat all things moving from New York to the land of bikes, life as a college student with LGMD, and focusing on the positives in life. We share so many similar experiences that we are basically LGMD twins! Enjoy :)

Sun, 23 Jun 2024 06:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

26. Myasthenia, Myfyrdod a Mesen (ft. Erin Hughes)

*Trigger Warning* Dyma rhybudd y bydd trafodaethau am bynciau dwys megis hunanladdiad yn y bennod yma.

Hwre, mae pennod arall Cymraeg allan! Heddiw ges i'r fraint o glywed stori Erin, a dod i nabod ei phersbectif anhygoel o fyw. Dwi'n credu bod gennym ni i gyd rhywbeth i'w ddysgu o'r bennod yma, a gobeithio wnewch chi fwynhau!

Sun, 16 Jun 2024 06:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

25. Storytime: Amsterdam trip, Eisteddfod and getting glutened...

I've learnt a lot about myself in the past (extremely busy) couple of weeks, and so much has happened that I want to fill you in on! My next solo episode will be discussing an interesting topic so less about me next time I promise xxx

Sun, 09 Jun 2024 13:50:21 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

24. 2B and not 2B…! (ft. Craig Cox)

Today I am joined by Craig, who also has LGMD! We share similar experiences in funny falls, and he tells us the story of how he watched his own muscle biopsy… seriously, it’s worth the listen!

Sun, 26 May 2024 05:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

23. Stepping out of your comfort zone

Recently I have found myself in new situations and have discovered the importance of pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Join me in brainstorming ways to change things up and embrace a new way of living!

Sun, 12 May 2024 06:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

22. Life with a stammer (ft. Cadi Davage)

Yaaay my sister is finally on the pod! She shares some insight into the reality of growing up with a stammer and how she is learning to navigate it day to day. Keep listening for some necessary advice should you encounter someone with a stammer. Enjoy!

Sun, 28 Apr 2024 06:00:00 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

21. Q&A Time!

It’s been fun to answer your most asked questions! Hopefully this will be one of many more to come… Enjoy :)

Sun, 14 Apr 2024 18:52:50 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch

Chwarae Unbalanced with Cerys Davage

20. The importance of speaking up (ft. Rob Townsend)

I'm back with another (slightly late) zoom interview with an old university friend, who opens up about his experiences with anxiety, uni drinking culture and therapy. We discuss the stigma around mental health issues with textbook 'lads' and the importance of making your struggles known to your mates.

Tue, 02 Apr 2024 21:32:10 GMT

Chwarae PlayChwarae Lawrlwythwch
