Podlediad Podcast Pêl-droed

Discussing the Wales national team   Trafod tîm cenedlaethol Cymru

Gwefan: Podcast Pêl-droed


Pod diweddaraf: Ep.128 – In conversation with | Mewn trafodaeth â Dave Smallman


Back in early 2022 we put out a Patreon only epsiode in which we chatted with former Wrexham and Everton striker Dave Smallman who won seven caps for Wales. Dave chats about how his ascent to the Wrexham first team at the age of only 20, the club’s famous FA Cup runs and successful u23 caps helped alert Dave Bowen to his promise. But upon arriving at Wrexham General station to sign as a 16 year old, nerves almost got the better of him. Although he won only seven caps, Dave figured in two of the greatest wins in Wales’s history: the famous 2-1 win in Hungary’s Nep Stadium in April 1975; and the 1-0 win over Austria at The Racecourse in November that year. But Dave explains why he was the only Welsh person inside The Racecourse that night not to celebrate Arfon Griffiths’ winner which secured the only time Wales has topped a qualifying group.   ___________________ Yng nghynnar yn nôl yn 2022 fe wnaethom ni ryddhau epsiod ar Patreon yn yr hyn y wnaethom ni sgyrsio â chyn-flaenwr i Wrecsam ac Everton, Dave Smallman, a ennillod saith o gapiau i Gymru. Mae Dave yn sôn am sut dynnwyd sylw Dave Bowen i’w addewid wedi iddo esgyn i’r tîm cyntaf Wrecsam pan oedd yn 20 oed yn unig, o achos rhediadau enwog y clwb yn y Cwpan FA a chapiau o dan 23 oed llwyddiannus. Ond pan gyrhaeddodd y llanc 16 oed orsaf Wrecsam Gyffredinol i lofnodi i’r clwb, cafodd bron ei orau gan ei nerfau. Er ennillodd saith cap yn unig chwaraeodd Dave mewn dau o fuddugoliaethau mwyaf mewn hanes Cymru, y ddwy ym 1975: y fuddugoliaeth 2-1 yn Stadiwm Nep yn Hwngari; a’r fuddugoliaeth 1-0 dros Awstria yn y Cae Râs. Ond mae Dave yn egluro pan oedd e’r unig Cymro neu Gymraes tu fewn y Cae Râs y noson honno i fethu dathlu gôl ennill Arfon Griffiths a sicrheuodd am y tro unig safle ar frig grwp rhagborofol i Gymru.

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: Thu, 18 May 2023 12:43:32 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.149 – World Cup preview (pt.2) | Rhagolwg Cwpan y Byd (rh.2)

Leon, Rich and Russell continue their preview of the World Cup. Mae Leon, Rich a Russell yn parhau eu rhagolwg o Gwpan y Byd. https://soundcloud.com/podcast_peldroed/world-cup-preview-pt2-rhagolwg-cwpan-y-byd-rh2?si=de1577be62814ea189cd8de46eeee0e1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:49:00 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.142: Nations League review | Arolygiad Cynghrair y Cenedloedd

Leon, Gareth and Russell review the June Nations League programme: who enhanced their reputation and stake for a seat to Qatar; who did their chances harm; the likelihood of avoiding relegation from tier A of the Nations League. Mae Leon, Gareth a Russell yn arolygu rhaglen Cynghrair y Cenedloedd mis Mehefin: pwy wellodd eu henwau a chyfle am sedd i Qatar; pwy wnaeth ddrwg i'w siawnsau; y tebygolrwydd o osgoi diraddiad o haen A Cynghrair y Cenedloedd. Images | Lluniau: Tim Hartley


Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 08:03:33 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.141 – Spelling Wales with a Q again

In 1958 Wales snuck in through the back door to reach its maiden World Cup. 64 years later Russell, Leon and Huw revel in Wales striding in through the front door for Qatar. Ym 1958 sleifiodd Cymru trwy'r drws cefn er mwyn cyrraedd ei Chwpan y Byd cyntaf. 64 mlynedd pellach mae Russell Leon a Huw yn ymhyfrydu mewn Cymru yn brasgamu trwy ddrws ffrwnt Qatar.


Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Tue, 07 Jun 2022 08:56:59 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.139b: Dyrchafwn ‘da’n gilydd – Cais Dinas Diwylliant #Wrecsam2025

Yn y rhifyn Cymraeg arbennig er gefnogaeth cais Dinas Diwylliant #Wrecsam2025 mae sawl o bobl yn mynegi pam mae pêl-droed mor arbennig i Wrecsam a gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru, ac annog Y Wal Goch i ddod wrth gefn y gais ar ran Cymru oll. Mae siaradwyr yn cynnwys Craig Colville a Morgan Thomas o dîm y gais; bard a llysgennad #Wrecsam2025 Evrah Rose (yn Saesneg); chwaraewr CPD Wrecsam AFC a Chymru o dan 17 Lili Jones; a nifer o aelodau'r Wal Goch ledled Cymru. Ymwelwch â www.wrecsam2025.com am ragor o fanylion. Cerddoriaeth: Kidsmoke - And Mine Alone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVynpCVR31k The Barry Horns – This Is Wales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq0li5s6G8w

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Fri, 20 May 2022 07:16:41 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.139a: We Rise Together – #Wrecsam2025 City of Culture bid

In this special episode in support of the #Wrecsam2025 #CityofCulture2025 bid a range of people express why football is so special to Wrexham and north east Wales, and encourage The Red Wall to get behind the bid on behalf of the whole of Wales. Speakers include Craig Colville and Morgan Thomas from the bid team; poet and #Wrecsam2025 ambassador Evrah Rose; Wrexham AFC and Wales under 17 player Lili Jones; as well as a number of members of The Red Wall from all across Wales. Visit www.wrecsam2025.com for more details. Music: Kidsmoke - And Mine Alone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVynpCVR31k The Barry Horns – This Is Wales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq0li5s6G8w

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Thu, 19 May 2022 22:30:00 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.138 – Cardiff City’s young Welsh talent with Ben from View From The Ninian (@VFTNinian)

Ben James from the View From The Ninian podcast and website joins the podcast to share his insights into the young talent coming through at Cardiff City and getting their chance by Steve Morison. Mae Ben James o'r podlediad a gwefan View From The Ninian yn ymuno â'r podlediad i rannu ei fewnwelediadau ar y dalent ifanc sy'n dod trwy rengoedd Dinas Caerdydd a chael cyfleon gan Steve Morison.

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Fri, 06 May 2022 21:07:40 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.137 – Discussing Dylan Levitt with The Dode Fox Podcast

Russell is joined by Ronnie and Paul from The Dode Fox Podcast, a fan podcast about all things Dundee United, to discuss how Dylan Levitt's loan spell at Tannadice is going. Mae Russell yn cael ei ymuno â fe gan Ronnie a Paul o The Dode Fox Podcast, podlediad ffan am bob dim Dundee United, i sgyrsio sut mae amser Dylan Levitt ar fenthyg yn Tannadice yn mynd.

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Mon, 02 May 2022 08:23:26 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad

Teitl: Ep.136 – Cymru-France preview with Hales Evans from feWales

In the run-up to Wales's crunch qualifying match with France for the 2023 Women's World Cup, Russell is joined by Hales Evans, founder of feWales to discuss the match, the growing Red Wall at women's internationals and why she set up feWales to provide fan wear for women. Gyda gêm anferthol Cymru ar ddiwedd yr wythnos yn erbyn Ffrainc ar gyfer Cwpan y Byd Menywod 2023, mae Russell yn cael ei ymuno â fe gan Hales Evans, sylfaenydd feWales i drafod y gêm, y Wal Goch grar ei thyfiant wrth gemau rhyngwladol mewnywod, a'i rhesymau am sylfaeni feWales i ddarparu gwisg i ffans benywaidd. Hales Evans a chapten Cymru, Sophie Ingle | Hales Evans and Wales captain, Sophie Ingle

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: Wed, 06 Apr 2022 15:13:16 +0000

Tudalen Y Podlediad